Gifts of the Heart is an incorporated Canadian non-profit entity that draws from a pool of community-minded and engaged volunteers who are connected in some way to various neighbourhood associations throughout Brantford. Downtown Central Neighbourhood Association (DCNA), Holmedale Neighbourhood Association (HNA), East Ward Echo Place Neighbourhood Association (EWEPNA), Branlyn Neighbourhood Association (BNA), in cooperation with Community Living Brant, Brantford Parks and Recreation, and the City of Brantford comprise the main drivers of volunteer aid. The food magic all happens at a donated commercial kitchen space, run by a dream team of dedicated volunteers who lovingly prepare 1,200+ lunches per week to benefit roughly 250 hungry kids every school day.
We've learned that when kind-hearted citizens come together to solve a common problem we can move mountains... and fill some bellies.
Gifts of the Heart program began in 2021 as a grassroots effort to feed and clothe kids in need. Starting with a simple request to Brantford’s Downtown Central Neighbourhood Association (DCNA) of seven dozen eggs for food insecure families, Gifts of the Heart has grown to currently providing 250 children with daily lunches across many Brantford schools. In addition, we provide weekend pantry item bags and weekly food bins to over 40 in-need families, as well as offer donated clothing and hygiene items to those who need it most.
The impact that this support makes to a family experiencing poverty is truly priceless. With the offer of a free, nutritious lunch, educators have cited a significant reduction in absenteeism, suspensions, anxiety, stigma and behavioural issues among their students supported by Gifts of the Heart. Trust between the school community and families has vastly improved. Stress in family dynamics is lessened, offering a boost to overall mental health of kids and their guardians. The benefits of this aid cannot be understated.
Gifts of the Heart seeks to aid even more vulnerable kids through our programs. As word gets out about the positive impact our programs have on not only the individuals benefitting, but also their families and school communities, we’ve seen an influx in other schools and school boards reaching out seeking support for their food-insecure students. Our goal is to be able to expand our program capacity to include more elementary and also highschool students. In order to accomplish this goal, we’ll be leaning on our community of support to make it happen. Please consider donating financial gifts or sponsoring today to help make this goal a reality.
As we work hard to sustain and expand our aid, we are seeking big-hearted partners to make a positive impact in the lives of our most vulnerable demographic. Corporate and Gift-in-Kind sponsorships are on offer and we welcome supporting partners with open arms. We also welcome monetary, food, hygiene and children's clothing donations from individuals and families looking to make a difference in our community.
If you are interested in volunteering for Gifts of the Heart, please reach out and let us know! We have all kinds of volunteer opportunities and can help to find something that best suits your skils and schedule.
Jayme Wilson-Belore, Chair
Sylvia Collins, Vice-Chair
Lindsay Buszchak, Treasurer
Keith Beveridge
Billy Abels